Have you ever wondered if you should leave the pilot burning on your gas fireplace during the summer? Let's go through the pros and cons of doing this!
What is a pilot light?
The pilot light is a small blue flame that ignites a gas appliance, such as a fireplace. When you turn on your fireplace, gas is released to the main burner and the pilot light ignites the gas to turn on your appliance.
A standing pilot light uses a millivolt valve which keeps the pilot flame constantly lit.

How much natural gas does the pilot light use?
A typical gas fireplace pilot light uses about 600 BTUs of gas per hour. That is approximately 432,000 BTUs per month.
If we look at the current natural gas rate from Enbridge (May 2024 @ $0.122992/m3), this means it would cost approximately $1.48 in gas supply charges alone to keep your fireplace pilot running for a month.
Not that bad......
What are the pros and cons of turning off the pilot?
PRO turning it off: Obviously, if you turn off your pilot light from May until September, you will have some marginal gas cost savings.
CON turning it off: Did you know that spiders like the smell of the mercaptan that is added to natural gas to give its distinctive odour? When the pilot is off, residual gas in the pipe can attract spiders who can build a web that blocks the gas orifice. This is a common reason why fireplaces fail to restart in the fall.
PRO turning it off: Leaving your pilot light running for long periods of time without running the main burner can lead to sulfur buildup. This can leave a filmy, white residue on the glass which will require more frequent maintenance and cleaning.
PRO turning it off: The pilot light does generate a small amount of heat when it is on. Turning it off during the summer can reduce the temperature inside your home. Although this will not be a significant difference, it at least won't be counterproductive to your A/C.
CON turning it off: If you keep your pilot light running, the small amount of heat that it distributes helps to keep the humidity down in your fireplace which can help to prevent rust and corrosion.
Whether your decide to keep your pilot light on or off during the summer, regular maintenance is essential to keep your fireplace running smoothly and safely. If you would like to book a fireplace maintenance check, call Eastbridge Heating and Cooling at 519-588-5393.