Fall Furnace Start-up: Checklist of what to look out for
As we get into the fall season with cooler temperatures and the leaves in our neighbourhoods starting to change colour, you may be tempted to start up your furnace. However, before you do, it is always a good idea to do some simple checks to make sure everything is in order.
Eastbridge Heating & Cooling has a handy checklist of furnace start up tips to help homeowners get ready for fall in Kitchener and Waterloo.

Fall Furnace Startup Checklist from Eastbridge Heating & Cooling
- Call Eastbridge Heating and Cooling to schedule a fall furnace maintenance check. Maintenance checks are a great way to ensure your furnace is functioning properly and safely. It can also improve the longevity of your furnace.
- Replace your furnace filter. It is recommended that pleated polyester filters be changed every 3 months at a minimum, while fibreglass filters should be changed monthly.
- Check your thermostat and replace batteries if necessary. This is also a good time of year to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
- Turn on your furnace and let it run for 10-15 minutes. Listen for any unusual sounds coming from the blower. Determine if warm air is blowing from your air vents. If you do not start to feel warm air after a few minutes call one of our technicians at Eastbridge Heating and Cooling to take a look.
- If you have a humidifier it should also be checked at this time. Ensure that the water supply to the humidifier is on. Replace the humidifier pad in the fall to ensure safe and clean operation for the heating season. If your humidifier has a bypass damper, make sure it is switched from summer to winter mode. Turn on the humidifier and set the desired humidity range.
- Turn off the breaker to your air conditioner. This will ensure that it does not accidentally get switched on in colder weather.
Hopefully these tips will help you have an easy startup to your furnace this fall. Remember to book early for your fall furnace maintenance checks as it is always better to inspect your furnace before the chill of winter is upon us.
Call us at 519-588-5393 to book an appointment or email us at info@eastbridgeheating.ca